Install and Uninstall Trial Versions of TRichView, ScaleRichView, and ReportWorkshop Components

Install in Delphi and C++Builder

VCL version

FireMonkey version

Common Install Information

You can run the both Setups, but you cannot install both versions of the package (DPK and CBPROJ) in the same RAD Studio IDE (a package that is installed last uninstalls a previously installed package).

You can install both Delphi and C++Builder trials in the same folder, although it is not recommended.

Run the chosen installer and follow the displayed intructions.

Community edition of RAD Studio v12

Community edition of RAD Studio does not contain command line compilers, so TRichView setups cannot create necessary package files.

For core packages (TRichView, RichViewActions, ScaleRichView, Reportworkshop) the setup (Delphi + C++Builder version) includes precompiled package files, and installs them. But other packages need to be installed manually (for example, for ReportWorkshop, you may want to install packages containing data providers for specific sets of DB components)

After running setups, open packages (*.dproj files) in RAD Studio IDE one by one and compile/install them (right click the package name in the Project Manager, and choose "Compile" or "Install" depending on the package). It is important to compile all necessary packages for Windows 32-bit platform. Runtime packages may support more platforms, you can switch them and compile the package for each necessary platform.

Most packages are grouped in pairs: *.dproj as runtime package, and *_Dsgn.dproj as designtime package. For example, RvXmlD12.dproj is a runtime package, RvXmlD12_Dsgn.dproj is a designtime package. First, compile a runtime package (for Windows 32-bit, and maybe for other platforms), then install a designtime package.

If you need detailed instructions for installing in Community Edition, feel free to contact us

Lazarus version

Due to Lazarus limitations, we cannot make a trial version for Lazarus. Only the full versions of our components can be installed in Lazarus.


Uninstall using a Start Menu icon

If you allowed the Setup to create program shortcuts in a Start Menu folder, click "TRichView\Uninstall TRichView Trial for Delphi" (or "... for C++Builder") shortcut. Follow the displayed instructions.

Alternatively, you can run the uninstaller from the Control Panel.

1. Windows 7 and Vista: go to the "Start menu | Control Panel". Windows 8-11: Where is Control Panel?.

2. Click "Programs and Features" (or, in a category view, "Programs: Uninstall a program").

3. Double-click "TRichView Trial for Delphi version N.N.N" (or "... for C++Builder ..."), where "N.N.N" is the actual version of the components.

4. Follow the displayed instructions.