Is there a way to limit the display of SRVE to only show the actual text area? That is, without the blank margins along all 4 sides?
Displaying ScaleRichView without Margins
Page alignment
srve.ViewProperty.AlignPageH := srvaphLeft; - Without a space at the left
srve.ViewProperty.AlignPageV := srvapvTop; - Without a space at the top
Bounds Left and Right
srve.PageProperty.BoundLeftRight := 0; - size of a space
Distance between pages and Top
srve.PageProperty.MinPageBreakHeight := 5;
srve.PageProperty.MaxPageBreakHeight := 25;
To show the text one page
srve.PageProperty.PageViewMode := False;
The size of width of page depends on the size of visible area of a component
srve.PageProperty.AutoWidth := False;
Look as options for modes SRV
procedure OnePageMode, WebMode in ActionTest for SRV
Page alignment
srve.ViewProperty.AlignPageH := srvaphLeft; - Without a space at the left
srve.ViewProperty.AlignPageV := srvapvTop; - Without a space at the top
Bounds Left and Right
srve.PageProperty.BoundLeftRight := 0; - size of a space
Distance between pages and Top
srve.PageProperty.MinPageBreakHeight := 5;
srve.PageProperty.MaxPageBreakHeight := 25;
To show the text one page
srve.PageProperty.PageViewMode := False;
The size of width of page depends on the size of visible area of a component
srve.PageProperty.AutoWidth := False;
Look as options for modes SRV
procedure OnePageMode, WebMode in ActionTest for SRV
Look a mode in ActionTest:
Code: Select all
//Normal view mode (as one long page)
procedure OnePageMode (srve: TSRichViewEdit);
Look at "Normal" view in MS Word. Notice that the editor doesn't display the blank paper above the top margin nor to the left of the left margin. The caret starts in the upper left corner.
Also notice that page breaks are marked with a dotted line.
That's what I want.
That's not what "one page mode" gives me.
Is there a way to achieve either of those?
Can I have the editor not display the blank space outside the top and left margins?
Can I have the editor display the page break as a dotted line?
Also notice that page breaks are marked with a dotted line.
That's what I want.
That's not what "one page mode" gives me.
Is there a way to achieve either of those?
Can I have the editor not display the blank space outside the top and left margins?
Can I have the editor display the page break as a dotted line?