Format not woking

ScaleRichView support and discussion (TRichView add-on for WYSIWYG editing)
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:44 pm

Post by gotoxy »

Did some other test.

Code: Select all

      Result := TRVChartItemInfo.Create(RVData);
      Result.StyleNo := StyleNo;
And my class is created.

The other funny thing is in the same project and same form i can add a TRVChartItemInfo from a button, but i cant load it from an other button on the same form. That is really wierd.
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:44 pm

Post by gotoxy »

forgot to tell u that i had to add my Chart.pas file to the uses of the RVItem.pas.
Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

May be you have another TRVChartItemInfo in your project?
For example, the one from Demos\Addins\ChartItem\ChartItem.pas?
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:44 pm

Post by gotoxy »

oh, well done... i can't believe i got noobified like that. i did CTRL+Click on my Register...(rvChart,TRVChartItemInfo) and in fact, i was registering an old .pas for my RVChart.

Thanks again.
ScaleRichView Developer
Posts: 307
Joined: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:37 am

Post by proxy3d »

Bug fixed in the SRV 3.2
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