When I print table, it perfectly fills a Din A-4 page. All Right.
But when I try to print on another PC with 1280x800 there are two problems:
1.- Width is well, but Height is small.
2.- Images are too smallst.
Code: Select all
for r := 0 to table.Rows.Count-1 do
for c := 0 to table.Rows[r].Count-1
do begin
table.Cells[r,c].BestWidth := AnchCols;
table.Cells[r,c].BestHeight := AltFilas;
table.SetCellVisibleBorders(False, False, False, False,r,c);
table.SetCellVAlign(rvcMiddle,r,c); ///(rvcTop, rvcMiddle, rvcBottom)
There is a Solution for this?
Many Thanks