Tracing changes & comments

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Jim Knopf
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Tracing changes & comments

Post by Jim Knopf »


with my software 'Patchwork' authors write their books, mostly novels. The usual way of interaction with a publishing house is to send it to the lector and get it back with modifications and suggestions for it.

In the moment I must recommend to my users, to accept (or not) of the lectors modifications with word and then re-import to Patchwork.

Understandably it would be fine to pass this Word-step.

I know that I asked in the past, but: is there a chance of getting the necessary informations out of a word doc? Because it works also with rtf (using Word) I assume it could be possible ...?

Best wishes
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

TRichView does not support these features. Even if we implement reading them from RTF, they cannot be stored in TRichView, so I do not know what to do with them.
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