Table background color not preserved in RTF load/save

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Table background color not preserved in RTF load/save

Post by EricNat »

After setting a table background color, saving as RTF, and loading back the RTF, the background color of the table is reset to "transparent" instead of the color selected before the save.

Is this a bug? Presumably the table background color should be saved and loaded back with the rest of the rich text.

Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Table background color not preserved in RTF load/save

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

RTF and DocX formats do not support table backgrounds.

You can test it in MS Word. In the table properties dialog, click options, Allow spacing between cells (to view table around cells).
When click the dropdown button for borders on the ribbon (Home | Paragraph), choose "Borders and Shading".
Apply color to the table and then another color to some cells.
Looks good, but...
Then save as RTF and as DocX.
After loading, you will see that table color becomes transparent.
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Re: Table background color not preserved in RTF load/save

Post by EricNat »

Ok,thanks for the information. That makes sense. I was confused a bit because that property is in the built-in table configuration page (rvActionTableProperties). But I assume you have it there because other formats will support it. Makes sense. I assume there is no way to hidethat from the table properties page?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Table background color not preserved in RTF load/save

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Assign RVAControlPanel.UserInterface = rvauiRTF.
This setting hides or disables most features incompatible with RTF/DocX.
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:43 pm

Re: Table background color not preserved in RTF load/save

Post by EricNat »

Awesome. Thanks!
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