I notice when I type into a table and try to undo, it does nothing. If I click outside the table and undo, it works. Is this the expected behavior? I'd like for the table to undo while I'm still inside the table. I tried this in my rve KeyUp:
procedure TForm1.rveKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
if rve.InplaceEditor <> nil then
if (Key = ord('Z')) and (Shift = [ssCtrl]) then
This gives me the expected (by me anyway!) behavior. Can you tell me if this is correct?
I cannot reproduce this problem.
I tried both in RichViewActions' ActionTest (where Ctrl+Z is handled by TrvActionUndo) and in a fresh project (just placed TRichViewEdit, TRVStyle, linked them, ran, pasted a table from MS Word).
Maybe you have some events assigned that prevent processing undo?
I was working on some other stuff this morning and fixed a problem with that which also fixed this issue. It was some code dealing with my RVRuler in appIdle.
So, yes, something I did caused it but it's good to have confirmation of how it should work!