TRichviewEdit: access the complete document

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TRichviewEdit: access the complete document

Post by Mafi »

Actually I'm using the methods SaveTextToStream and SaveHTMLToStream, to get access to the complete document either in text or html format.
Maybe you help me with an easier way and because of the filenames of the images get always be increased for every access.

(ie. 1.jpg for the first run, then 2.jpg for the next, aso.)

Thank you.
Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

1) You can use OnHTMLSaveImage (or OnHTMLSaveImage) event to save images under your file names, or do not save them at all.
2) You can include rvsoOverrideImages in the Options parameter of SaveHTMLToStream, and images will be saved every time starting from 1.
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