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Drag-and-Drop in Unmodified TDBRichViewEdit

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:03 pm
by Michel
Hi Sergey,

I think there may be a little bug with this.
In a not-yet modified record with a TDBRichViewEdit, perform a Drag-and-Drop operation on some selected text. It should move it, right? Instead, it copies it. No problem if the record has been modified (and is hence in dsEdit state).



Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:16 pm
by Michel
Hi Sergey,

Did you miss my question by any chance? :wink:


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:18 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
Fix: in RVERVData.pas, change TRVEditRVData.InitDragging to:

Code: Select all

function TRVEditRVData.InitDragging(var DropSource: TRVDropSource;
  var OKEffect: Integer): Boolean;
  Result := inherited InitDragging(DropSource, OKEffect);
  if Result and (rvflRoot in Flags) and
    (not TCustomRichViewEdit(FRichView).ReadOnly or (rvflDBRichViewEdit in Flags)) and
    CanDelete then
    OKEffect := OKEffect or DROPEFFECT_MOVE;
This fix will be included in the next update.