TRVTableItemInfo become empty after formatting document!
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:50 pm
Dear Sergey
I faced an odd problem with TRVTableItemInfo. I have a global variable named ATable. I add content to this private variable some text and add it to RichView and finally format the document.
After this when I want to get an item in a cell of a table, the cell is always empty. Here is the code that I use for getting count of the items in a table cell:
This always return 0. but it's not true and my cell include lot's of item. If I don't add table to Richview and get count of my cells it get me correct information but after adding table to richview and formating richview it always return 0.
I must mention that StartRow and StartCol are referencing correct table cell.
Why this happen? Are u have an idea?
Thank you
I faced an odd problem with TRVTableItemInfo. I have a global variable named ATable. I add content to this private variable some text and add it to RichView and finally format the document.
After this when I want to get an item in a cell of a table, the cell is always empty. Here is the code that I use for getting count of the items in a table cell:
Code: Select all
StartRow, StartCol, RowOffs, ColOffs: Integer;
ATable.GetSelectionBounds(StartRow, StartCol, RowOffs, ColOffs);
Caption := IntToStr(ATable.Cells[StartRow, StartCol].ItemCount);
I must mention that StartRow and StartCol are referencing correct table cell.
Why this happen? Are u have an idea?
Thank you