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Offer: License for translation (German, Spanish, Portuguese)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:07 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
For the upcoming release of new version of TRichView and for adding ScaleRichView to the site, we need to update German, Spanish and Portuguese(BR) versions of TRichView site.
It will not be too large amount of work, I do not think the text would exceed one page (may be two pages).
Native speakers are preferred.
In return, we can:
- offer 1-user license on TRichView or ScaleRichView (on the translator's choice)
- pay via ShareIt or similar service with credit card.
Separately from this work, in future, we will need a microtranslation service (to translate one-two lines of text (announce of new feature, for example) to these languages). If you know a service allowing to do it (native speakers familiar with programming/Delphi terminology) or willing to do this work yourself, please let us know.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:27 am
by didiergm
Care for a French Translation ?


Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:50 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
We do not have French version of web site yet.
For Spanish, Portuguese, German I need only translation of updates, for French it would require translation of the whole web site (all pages except for "application" and "history" section). It's a lot of work.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:11 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
Portuguese translator found.
German is seems to be found too (waiting for confimation).
Spanish translator is still wanted.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:11 am
by Sergey Tkachenko