Two strange things
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:50 am
Hey folks,
i've found two strange bugs by implementing Scalerichview in my program.
First thing is a space insertion on typing "111111111111111" (only the number one as character).
Is looks like that:
The second thing is a ScaleRichviewEdit-Component which doenst scroll to the top again:
There you can see the first line is marked but you can't scroll up to see the first line.
i've found two strange bugs by implementing Scalerichview in my program.
First thing is a space insertion on typing "111111111111111" (only the number one as character).
Is looks like that:
The second thing is a ScaleRichviewEdit-Component which doenst scroll to the top again:
There you can see the first line is marked but you can't scroll up to see the first line.
Code: Select all
object MyRichEdit: TSRichViewEdit
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