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Appending onPaintPage

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:39 pm
by RichardDufour
I have 2 ScaleSRichView (ScaleRicheView1 and ScaleRichView2).

In ScaleRichView1, I load some sale data (net, gross, customer info, etc). I also have a custom onPaintPage event to display some header and footers.

Code: Select all

  H : Integer;
  Text: String;


  if Prepaint then
    Exit;  // *** EXIT RIGHT HERE ****

  Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
  Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed;
  Canvas.Font.Assign( ScaleRicheView1 .RichViewEdit.Style.TextStyles[0]) ;

  // Drawing header
  H := ScaleRicheView1 .TopMargin100Pix;
  Text := 'Page ' + IntToStr(PageNo);

  Canvas.FillRect( Rect( PageRect.Left, PageRect.Top, PageRect.Right, PageRect.Top + H ) );

  Canvas.TextOut( ((PageRect.Left + PageRect.Right - Canvas.TextWidth(Text)) div 2),
                  PageRect.Top+H div 2, Text );

  // Drawing footer
  H := ScaleRicheView1 .BottomMargin100Pix;
  Text := 'Sample Footer';

  Canvas.FillRect( Rect(PageRect.Left, PageRect.Bottom - H, PageRect.Right, PageRect.Bottom ) );

  Canvas.TextOut( ((PageRect.Left + PageRect.Right - Canvas.TextWidth(Text)) div 2),
                  PageRect.Bottom - H div 2, Text);

Now, my business logic requires that I display multiple sales into 1 ScaleRichView control. So to do this I used the following code:

Code: Select all

procedure AppendSale;
  Stream: TMemoryStream;
  Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
    ScaleRichView1.RichViewEdit.SaveRVFToStream( Stream, False {ASelectionOnly} );
    Stream.Position := 0;

    ScaleRichView2.RichViewEdit.InsertRVFFromStream( Stream, ScaleRichView2.RichViewEdit.ItemCount );

    FreeandNil( Stream );

procedure DisplaySales;
  SaleIndex: Integer;
  for SaleIndex := 0 to Sales.Count -1 do
    // ... {first load ScaleRichView1 info/data here}, then
Why isn't the customOnPaintPage appended to ScaleRichView2 (it is there on the ScaleRichView1, but never carried over to the ScaleRichView2).

The idea in the end is to have 1 ScaleRichView control that would display a page # footer like (assuming we have 2 sales with 3 pages each):

* Sale 1 *
Page 1 of 3
Page 2 of 3
Page 3 of 3
* Sale 2 *
Page 1 of 3
Page 2 of 3
Page 3 of 3

How can I do this?

Please advise,

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:17 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
File/stream loading methods can load only documents, they cannot load events.

You can modify your code in OnPaintPage event (to use Sender instead of ScaleRichView1 in this code) and assign it both to ScaleRichView1's and ScaleRichView2's OnPaintPage.

New versions of ScaleRichView supports page number and page count fields. However, as I understand, you need to separate your document on sections (one section per sale), and start numbering in each section from the beginning. Unfortunately, sections are not supported, so the only way to do it is drawing all this text yourself. And you need to calculate yourself, on which page which text to write.