A web camera and a client-server connection work independently from each other. If clients are configured to receive videos from each other, when a client turns its camera on, other clients receive video from it.
There are several ways to configure clients to receive videos from each other.
There is no option "every client sends to all other clients", however, it's not too difficult to implement what you need.
1) Mechanism of "default receivers"
http://www.trichview.com/help-media/trv ... ethods.htm
This mechanism is used in all our video chat demos (Chat, Messenger, Conference).
1.1) The demos use "media access" methods and events to define which clients receive video from the given client.
These demos call "media access" methods in response to user choices in user interface. You can simply do it when clients connect to each other.
1.2) If you do not want this "media access" stuff, clients can add each other to lists of "default receivers" by calling AddDefaultReceiver when other clients connect.
2) An alternative to "default receivers" is sending video to all users of the same group on the sever.
http://www.trichview.com/help-media/trv ... ethods.htm
A group is used in our "Chat" demo, all clients join the same group having id = {11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}
However, our "Chat" demo still uses "default receivers" mechanism.
But you can remove all "media access" methods and events in this demo, and simply assign RVCamSender1.GUIDGroup ='{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}'. After that, all clients will send video to each other.
Our "Messenger" and "Conference" demos do not use groups.
3) If you need to connect two specific clients to each other, you can, instead of using "default receivers" and groups, simply assign RVCamSender.GUIDTo property equal to GUID of another client.
Note: in all these methods, you need to assign GUID of another client to TRVCamView.GUIDFrom (or TRVCamMultiView.Viewers[].GUIDFrom)