TcxDBTRichViewEdit and EditAutoheight
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:47 am
being able to use RichView in DevEx grid is very useful for me.
There is a strange bug with OptionsBehavior.EditAutoHeight = eahEditor or eahRow.
In both cases when I try to edit a cell (TRichViewEdit type) it would display the RTF source instead of Rich text.
Here is the example grid, attached to some simple table with two text columns:
being able to use RichView in DevEx grid is very useful for me.
There is a strange bug with OptionsBehavior.EditAutoHeight = eahEditor or eahRow.
In both cases when I try to edit a cell (TRichViewEdit type) it would display the RTF source instead of Rich text.
Here is the example grid, attached to some simple table with two text columns:
Code: Select all
object cxGrid1: TcxGrid
Left = 136
Top = 183
Width = 809
Height = 407
TabOrder = 2
object cxGrid1DBTableView1: TcxGridDBTableView
Navigator.Buttons.CustomButtons = <>
DataController.DataSource = DataSource1
DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems = <>
DataController.Summary.FooterSummaryItems = <>
DataController.Summary.SummaryGroups = <>
OptionsBehavior.EditAutoHeight = eahEditor
OptionsView.CellAutoHeight = True
OptionsView.GroupByBox = False
object cxGrid1DBTableView1Name: TcxGridDBColumn
DataBinding.FieldName = 'Name'
PropertiesClassName = 'TcxMemoProperties'
Width = 169
object cxGrid1DBTableView1RTFText: TcxGridDBColumn
DataBinding.FieldName = 'RTFText'
PropertiesClassName = 'TcxRVProperties'
Properties.DefFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
Properties.DefFont.Color = clWindowText
Properties.DefFont.Height = -11
Properties.DefFont.Name = 'Arial'
Properties.DefFont.Style = []
Properties.EditValueSaveFormat = cxrvvfRTF
Properties.RTFOptions = [rvrtfSaveStyleSheet, rvrtfDuplicateUnicode, rvrtfSaveEMFAsWMF, rvrtfSaveJpegAsJpeg, rvrtfSavePngAsPng]
Properties.RTFReadProperties.CharsetForUnicode = RUSSIAN_CHARSET
Width = 613
object cxGrid1Level1: TcxGridLevel
GridView = cxGrid1DBTableView1