LoadCSV Function

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LoadCSV Function

The function loads CSV ("comma-separated values") files as a table. Only ANSI files can be loaded.

Unit rvcsv.

function LoadCSV(const FileName: String; rv: TCustomRichView;

  Separator: TRVAnsiChar; UseQuotes: Boolean;

  TextStyleNo, ParaNo: Integer): TRVTableItemInfo;


FileName file to load.

rv TCustomRichView component where you plan to insert the loaded table (it is not inserted by this function).

Separator character used to separate values. The most common possible values:

',' (comma)

';' (semicolon)

' ' (space)

#9  (tab)

UseQuotes if True, double-quotes are used to allow separators inside text values (in the input file); double double-quotes are treated as double-quote character.

TextStyleNo, ParaNo styles of text and paragraph used to add text

Return value:

the loaded table; nil in case of failure.


var table: TRVTableItemInfo;


table := LoadCSV(FileName, RichViewEdit1, ',', True, 00);

if table<>nil then

  RichViewEdit1.InsertItem('', table);

You can implement inserting CSV files using TRVAControlPanel.OnCustomFileOperation event.