<< Click to display table of contents >> Third-Party Tools | Polar Spell Checker ActiveX |
Polar SpellChecker component is a spell checker. It may be used as DLL or as ActiveX. TRichView uses it as ActiveX.
Last time Polar SpellChecker was updated in 2005.
Visit http://www.polarsoftware.com/ for additional information.
1.Install the Polar SpellChecker Components.
2.Import it in Delphi. Menu "Component | Import Component" (or "Component | Import ActiveX Control", depending on your Delphi version) import and install "Polar SpellChecker 5.0 Component", The component must be installed in the package PolarSpellCheckerPkg*, where * depends on Delphi version:
•Delphi 5..7: D5..D7
•Delphi 2005..2010: D2005..D2010
•Delphi XE..XE8: DXE..DXE8
•Delphi 10 Seattle: D10
•Delphi 10.1 Berlin..10.3 Rio: D10_1..D10_3
3.TRichView includes packages for installing support for Polar SpellChecker (in ThirdParty\Polar\ folder), but the installer does not install them automatically. Open the package RVPolarPkg* and compile. Open the package RVPolarPkg*_Dsgn and install.
Create TRVAPolarSpellInterface component, assign it to SpellInterface property of TRVAControlPanel component.
Create TRVPolarSpellChecker component, assign it to PolarSpellChecker property of this TRVAPolarSpellInterface component.
Assign TrvActionSpellingCheck to a menu item or a toolbar button.
If you need an auto-correction feature, see the information in the topic for TRVACustomSpellInterface.
To enable a live spelling check, assign OnSpellingCheck event of TCustomRichViewEdit component:
procedure TForm1.RichViewEdit1SpellingCheck(Sender: TCustomRichView;
const AWord: String; StyleNo: Integer; var Misspelled: Boolean);
Misspelled := not RVAPolarSpellInterface1.IsWordValid(AWord,
RichViewEdit1, StyleNo);
If you want to start a live spelling check when the user starts editing, assign rvlspOnChange to LiveSpellingMode property of TCustomRichViewEdit component.
If you want to start a live spelling check when the user loaded a document, use OnOpenFile event of TrvActionOpen action:
procedure TForm1.RvActionOpen1OpenFile(Sender: TObject;
Editor: TCustomRichViewEdit; const FileName: String;
FileFormat: TrvFileOpenFilter; CustomFilterIndex: Integer);
Assign TRVAPopupMenu component to RichViewEdit1.PopupMenu.