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This property must be equal to zooming in the editor that works with this ruler, percent.

  TZoomRange = 1 .. 10000; // 1% - 10000%
property Zoom: TZoomRange;

By default, if you did not change any “pixels per inch” properties of TRichViewEdit and this ruler, then a document is not scaled, and Zoom = 100 (meaning 100%).

However, if you changed TRichViewEdit.DocumentPixelsPerInch, you must change Zoom accordingly:

  RVRuler1.Zoom := 

    Round(100*RichViewEdit1.GetRealDocumentPixelsPerInch /


An alternative solution would be assigning RVRuler1.ScreenRes = RichViewEdit1.GetRealDocumentPixelsPerInch. However, it is not recommended, because:

it scales all the ruler visual elements too;

ScreenRes is reset when the ruler is loaded from DFM and when it is resized.

Default value