<< Click to display table of contents >> TrvActionSave.OnDocumentFileChange |
Occurs when file for document in Editor is changed.
TRVFileChangeEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject;
Editor: TCustomRichViewEdit; const FileName: TRVUnicodeString;
FileFormat: TrvFileSaveFilter; IsNew: Boolean) of object;
property OnDocumentFileChange: TRVFileChangeEvent;
This event occurs in the following cases:
•TrvActionNew action is executed;
•TrvActionOpen action is executed, or TrvActionOpen.LoadFile is called;
•TrvActionSaveAs action is executed.
FileName is a file name (full path) assigned to the document in Editor.
FileFormat is a file format assigned to the document in Editor.
IsNew is True after the execution of TrvActionNew action.
If FileFormat=ffeCustom, this event does not allow to identify the specific custom format. You can get it using Documents property.