New in v6.0

<< Click to display table of contents >>

New in v6.0

Compatibility issues

Since this version, TSRichViewEdit must be formatted by its method Format. You cannot format it by formatting RichViewEdit, RVHeader and RVFooter, or by calling SetRVMargins.

Headers and footers are stored in Subdocuments. RVHeader and RVFooter are used only for editing Subdocuments.

It's not necessary to call UpdateNote or UpdateNoteEx after inserting a note or a text box.

The following properties of TSRVViewProperty are removed: HeaderTitle, FooterTitle, MainTitle. They are replaced with Texts.

When adding a page break between table rows, TSRichViewEdit reserves space for table borders (previously, they might be truncated); so documents containing tables may be paginated differently.

A different font is used in a zooming panel inside TSRichViewEdit: TSRichViewEdit.ViewProperty.ZoomPanelFont (TSRichViewEdit.Font was used in previous versions)


TSRichViewEdit allows editing sidenotes (notes in a floating box) and text box items.

Different headers and footers for the first page, for odd and even pages. Headers and footers are are stored in Subdocuments. RVHeader and RVFooter are used only for editing Subdocuments.

Smooth image scaling. In addition to images inside documents, TSRichViewEdit.BackgroundProperty.Picture is scaled when displayed stretched.

rvoHideReadOnlyCaret option in TSRichViewEdit.RVEditorOptions is supported.

Accurate drawing of table borders in places where a table is split across pages.

New properties of TSRichViewEdit.ViewProperty: ZoomPanelFont and IconStyle.

New methods of TSRichViewEdit: SetIntPropertyEd, SetFloatPropertyEd, Reformat.

New properties of TSRichViewEdit: CanUpdatePosition, CurrentNoteParentEditor.

New events of TSRichViewEdit: OnCaretMoving, OnResizing

Touch screen support: panning in all visual components, two finger zooming and selection handles in TSRichViewEdit.

Changes in actions

TsrvActionPageSetup, TsrvActionPageFormat, TsrvActionCustomOrientation now applies changes as editing operations (undoable).

New actions:



TsrvActionEditNote and TsrvActionReturnToNote support sidenotes and text box items.