New in v8.0

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New in v8.0

This topic includes changes added in v8.1.

Compatibility issues

SRVItemResizeMode global variable is removed.

Since this version, colors of VCL themes are not used for page backgrounds only if TSRichViewEdit.ViewProperty.UseVCLThemes.

Themes of Windows and VCL do not affect printing any more.

The default value TSRichViewEdit.PageProperty.CaretPen.Width is changed from 2 to 0.


New parameters are added in TSRVPrint.Print and PrintPages methods. They allow printing odd/even pages, and printing in reverse order.

Themes of Windows and VCL do not affect printing any more (clWindowText is always printed black, clWindow is always printed white, etc.)

Editor appearance

New properties of TSRichViewEdit.ViewProperty:



Drag and drop

New properties of TSRichViewEdit: AcceptDragDropFormats, AcceptPasteFormats.

New events of TSRichViewEdit: OnBeforeOleDrop, OnAfterOleDrop.


More efficient repainting: new ChangeDelay property. Ability to display smoothed thumbnails of page images, SmoothThumbnails.


Since this version, the editor uses the system caret width by default. You can change the caret thickness by assigning a positive value to TSRichViewEdit.PageProperty.CaretPen.Width.

A wide caret is not centered at the insertion position any more, it is positioned according to the global RichViewEditCaretPosition variable (RVERVData unit); by default, the caret is positioned at the right side of the insertion position for left-to-right items, and to the left side if right-to-left items.

Corners of a wide caret are not rounded any more.

Other changes

Packages are separated into runtime and designtime packages.

A new parameter AllowFloating is added to TSRichViewEdit's methods GetItemCoords100, GetItemBounds, GetItemBounds100.