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TSRVGroupBox component is used to group related controls. This component is similar to TSRVPanel (the difference is only in the caption position).
Unit SRVGroupBox;
TSRVGroupBox = class(TCustomSRVPanel)
This component publishes the following new properties and properties inherited from TCustomSRVPanel:
Property |
Type |
Default value |
Meaning |
TAlignment |
taLeftJustify |
Horizontal text alignment (left/right/center). RTL BiDiMode inverts left and right alignments. |
Integer |
1 |
Border width. |
TRVPixel96Length |
10 |
Caption offset (Caption cannot be displayed closer to the left and right side of the control than specified in this property). |
srvcsSimple |
Defines visual appearance. |
•Color (default value clWhite);
•properties inherited from TCustomControl.
Published properties used only if SRVControlStyle = srvcsClassic:
Property |
Type |
Default value |
Meaning |
TColor |
$00B8D8D7 |
Border color |
Integer |
10 |
Value in range 1..30. Defines how much border corners are rounded |
Caption is aligned according to Alignment. CaptionOffset shifts the text (to the right, if Alignment=taLeftJustify, or to the left, if Alignment=taRightJustify). Caption is placed at the top. RTL BiDiMode inverts Alignment.
Background is drawn using Color property.
The Border has width defined in BorderWidth property (even in a skin mode). If SRVControlStyle = srvcsSimple, the border color is defined by RVControlsPainter (see the TRichView manual). If it is equal to srvcsClassic, the border color is defined in BorderColor property.
If SRVControlStyle = srvcsClassic, the border can be rounded according to CornersOffset property.
If SkinManager is assigned, the control is drawn using SkinManager.CurrentSkin.BoxSchemes[SkinSchemeIndex].