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TSRVMemo is a multiline plain-text edit control.
TSRVMemo edits Unicode text in all versions of Delphi.
Unit SRVMemo;
TSRVMemo = class(TCustomSRVEdit)
This component publishes the following new properties and properties inherited from TCustomSRVEdit:
Property |
Type |
Default value |
Meaning |
TAlignment |
taLeftJustify |
Horizontal text alignment (left/right/center). RTL BiDiMode inverts left and right alignments. |
TSRVEditCharCase |
srvecNormal |
Determines the case of the text within the edit control: srvecNormal, srvecUpperCase, srvecLowerCase |
Integer |
0 |
An index in SkinManager.CurrentSkin.HorizontalScrollBarSchemes collection, allows applying skins to a horizontal scrollbar |
TSRVMemoStrings |
Contains the individual lines of text in the memo control. Lines contain Unicode strings for all versions of Delphi. WordWrap affects how Text is split into Lines. |
Integer |
0 |
Specifies the maximum number of characters the user can enter into the edit control (0 for unlimited) |
Boolean |
False |
Determines whether the user can change the text of the edit control. |
TScrollStyle |
ssNone |
Determines whether the memo control has scroll bars. |
srvcsSimple |
Defines a visual appearance (affects borders and scroll bars). |
Contains a text displayed by the editor (the same text as accessible by Lines). |
Integer |
0 |
An index in SkinManager.CurrentSkin.VerticalScrollBarSchemes collection, allows applying skins to a vertical scrollbar |
Integer |
True |
Determines whether the user can insert return characters into the text. |
Boolean |
False |
Determines whether the user can insert tab characters into the text. |
Boolean |
True |
Determines whether the edit control automatically breaks lines so that the text wraps to fit the control's window. |
•EnabledBorderColor, DisabledBorderColor, MouseInBorderColor, FocusedBorderColor (all colors are used only if SRVControlStyle = rvsrvcsClassic)
•DisabledBorderWidth, EnabledBorderWidth, MouseInBorderWidth, FocusedBorderWidth;
•properties inherited from TWinControl.
If skins are not defined:
The border around the editor has width defined in DisabledBorderWidth, EnabledBorderWidth, MouseInBorderWidth, FocusedBorderWidth properties. When auto-sizing the editor, it is assumed that the border width is equal to EnabledBorderWidth.
A border color depends on the editors state (normal, disabled, under the mouse pointer, focused) and SRVControlStyle: TSRVControlStyle property. If it is equal to srvcsSimple, colors are defined by RVControlsPainter (see the TRichView manual). If it is equal to srvcsClassic, colors are defined in EnabledBorderColor, DisabledBorderColor, MouseInBorderColor, FocusedBorderColor properties.
If SkinManager is assigned:
•the control is drawn using SkinManager.CurrentSkin.BoxSchemes[EditSkinSchemeIndex];
•the horizontal scroll bar is drawn using SkinManager.CurrentSkin.HorizontalScrollBarSchemes[HScrollBarSkinSchemeIndex];
•the vertical scroll bar is drawn using SkinManager.CurrentSkin.VerticalScrollBarSchemes[VScrollBarSkinSchemeIndex];
•font is defined in SkinManager.CurrentSkin.Fonts[SkinFontIndex].