Re: DeleteUnusedStyles

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 01/14/2005 19:41:32

One more thing that can help to find this bug.

Compile your application without optimization, with stack frames and with

debug info (Delphi menu Project | Options, tab Compiler).

Run in Delphi.

When the exception occurs, send me (to the screenshot of

RichView source code where it occurs, and a screenshot of Call Stack Window

(View | Debug Windows | Call Stack)


> Hi Sergey,


> It's not specific to a particular document, the RVF content looks fine (on

> screen), the same page can be modified and saved 100's of times with no


> and then unexpectedly an exception will occur. It's quite intermittent.


> I'll investigate further and see if I can get it to repeat more


> I'll configure the try...except block to save the data to a file when the

> exception occurs.


> Marc


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