Re: Euro is not converted into HTML 4.01 standard

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 09/22/2004 18:36:08

As far as I understand, HTML specification does not require to replace these

characters by character entities like € It's optional. Please correct

me if I wrong.

The only case when it makes sense to convert them - if they are not present

in the main HTML document charset.

By the way, this character has different codes in different charsets (if you

do not use Unicode).

For example, in ANSI_CHARSET it's $80, in RUSSIAN_CHARSET - $88


> When I insert an eurosign ('€') in RichViewEdit, everything works


> My problem is when I save this page to a HTML-file. The eurosign is not


> to the HTML 4.01 standard '€'. There are much more signs which aren't

> converted when I save to a HTML-file (For example


> and more...)

> Is there a solution?


> Thanks.


> Pieter E.


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