Re: Problem moving caret to line

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 12/09/2004 23:32:20

Please post here your C++ code for moving caret


>   Sergey,


>   I´m having a problem using the solution you posted in thread "Move Caret

> to Line/Col".

>   I ported the code from Pascal to C++ and it works fine except for one


> when I try to move the caret to a line that is empty it gives me "Invalid

> caret position".

>   I think that the error occured as the execution of the code "if


> and ((item.StyleNo<0) or (Items[ditem.ItemNo]<>''))" failed in procedure

> SimpleBuildCaretPositions.


>   Is there a workaround to bypass this problem?


>   Thanks.

>   Marcus.

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