New in v12.0

<< Click to display table of contents >>

New in v12.0

Compatibility issues

The default value of TSRichViewEdit.Color is changed from $0099A8AC to clBtnShadow.

The type of Sender parameter in OnSaveCustomFormat and OnLoadCustomFormat events is changed from TDBSRichViewEdit to TSRichViewEdit.

Printing metafiles as bitmaps

New optional parameter NoMetafiles in TSRichViewEdit.DrawPage, DrawMetafile, PrintAll, PrintRange, PrintCurrent.

New property: TSRVPrint.NoMetafiles.

VCL themes

TSRVScrollBar supports VCL themes (in Delphi XE2 and newer). Improved VCL themes support in TSRichViewEdit.


A new TSRichViewEdit.Document property can be linked to a database field (TBlobField) using LiveBindings (in Delphi XE2 and newer). The following events are moved from TDBSRichViewEdit to TSRichViewEdit and work for LiveBindings as well: OnSaveCustomFormat, OnLoadCustomFormat, OnNewDocument, OnLoadDocument.

SRVControls support DataBindings as well: TSRVEdit and TSRVCheckBox as live binding editors; TSRVLabel, TSRVButton, TSRVPanel as sources.


ScaleRichView supports HTML loading, including storing documents as HTML in databases by TDBSRichViewEdit.